Prof. dr. Nevad Kahteran sa Filozofskog fakulteta UNSA izabran za predsjednika Upravnog odbora Internacionalnog društva filozofa - komparativista u SAD (CPWP)


Temeljem upravo okončanih izbora unutar Internacionalnog društva filozofa - komparativista u SAD (skraćeno CPWP:, izabran je na dužnost predsjednika Upravnog odbora istog prof. dr. Nevad Kahteran sa Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu, dok je za potpredsjednika izabran prof. Soraj  Hongladarom (Mahachula University, Thailand, Asia), a za sekretara - blagajnika prof. Elizabeth Schiltz (College of Wooster, USA) za mandatni period 2024-2027. godine.

Kako je u međuvremenu prof. Xianglong Zhang preminuo (suutemeljivač the CPWP i kasnije koordinator Savjetodavnog odbora), Bo Mou, kao dosadašnji predsjednik i suutemeljivač CPWP preuzima dužnost koordinatora Savjetodavnog odbora (the Consultancy Board).

Imenovani stupaju na dužnost početkom narednog mjeseca i vjerujemo da će u narednom trogodišnjem razdoblju dodatno osnažiti familijarnost sa pluralnošću perspektiva i inkluzivnom zajedničkošću napose na 25. Svjetskom kongresu filozofa (XXV WCP) u Rimu već koncem narednog mjeseca na La Sapienza Sveučilištu ponad i preko granica kao borderless thinkers, tj. filozofi-komparativisti.


Detaljnije u e-mailu kojim obavještavaju o rezultatima CPWP izbora:



Dear CPWP Members,


We are pleased to report that Prof. Soraj  Hongladarom (Mahachula University, Thailand, Asia)  has been elected as Vice President and Prof. Elizabeth Schiltz (College of Wooster, USA) has been re-elected as Secretary-Treasurer for the 2024-27 term of the CPWP's Executive Board. Congratulations, Prof. Hongladarom and Prof. Schiltz!


Thank you, all the colleagues who have sent your votes, for your valuable support and trust!


Prof. Nevad Kahteran (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe), the current Vice President of the Executive Board (as elected in 2021), shall assume President for the next  2024-27 term of the Executive Board. 


Due to the passing of Prof. Xianglong Zhang (Co-Founder of the CPWP and the late Coordinator of the Consultancy Board), Bo Mou, Co-Founder of the CPWP is to take on the duty of the Coordinator of the Consultancy Board.


In accordance with the relevant Clauses of the CPWP Constitution (see its link posted at the "About" part of the CPWP website <>) , the CPWP Leading Team is to consist of President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer of the current Executive Board (in charge of regular affairs of the Society, as specified in Clause 6) together with the Coordinator of the Consultancy Board (extending supports in emergency situations and coordinating consultancy if in need, as specified in Clause 5).


For their self introductions, see their brief bios enclosed in "APPENDIX" below.


The incoming CPWP Executive Board is to formally start its term on 1 July 2024 and end on 30 June 2027.


Thank you again.


Warm regards,


The CPWP Team
for Election (2024)




President of the CPWP Executive Board (2024-27), Dr. KAHTERANs brief bio:



KAHTERAN, Nevad ( is Professor of Eastern and Comparative Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina [Ph. D. received there in 2001: the disertation published under title: (2002) Perenijalna filozofija (Sophia Perennis) u mišljenju René Guénona, Frithjofa Schuona i Seyyeda Hosseina Nasra [Perennial Philosophy (Sophia Perennis) in the thinking of René Guénon, Frithjof Schuon and Seyyed Hossein Nasr] (El-Kalem: Sarajevo);]. He is a Bosnian pioneer in comparative studies in philosophy. He publishes books, articles and translations extensively in these fields. Among his most recent books are (forthcoming 2024) The Bosnian and Herzegovinian Contributions to Transcultural Philosophy (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), The Role of Comparative Philosophy in Bosnia & Herzegovina: Philosophising at the Big Fault Line (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021); Also, he is a former Fulbrighter affiliated with the East-West Center and Philosophy Department of the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa in Honolulu (Fall semester 2006). He was elected to serve as Vice President of the 2021-2024 term of the International Society for Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy” (CPWP's Executive Board with Bo Mou & Elizabeth Schiltz), and now as a President with Soraj Hongladarom as Vice President, and Elizabeth Schiltz as a Secretary-Treasurer of 2024-2027 Executive Board.


Vice President of the CPWP Executive Board (2024-27), Dr. HONGLADAROM’s brief bio:



HONGLADAROM, Soraj is Professor of Philosophy at the International Buddhist Studies College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidlaya University (Mahachula University) in Thailand.  He received a PhD in philosophy from Indiana University Bloomington, USA, in 1991. Formerly he was a professor of philosophy at Chulalongkorn University for 30 years. His research interests are non-western perspectives in applied ethics and in philosophy of technology, as well as comparative philosophy. As for the latter, he has developed a lively interest in comparing Buddhist philosophy with the thought of Baruch Spinoza, which has resulted in three research articles such as “Spinoza and Buddhism on Death and Immortality,” “Buddhism and Spinoza on the Three Kinds of Knowledge, and “Spinoza and Buddhism on the Self.” He is now working on a granted research project on “AI Ethics from the Ground Up,” where he tries to develop a theory of a home grown theory in AI ethics. He is the author of The Ethics of AI and Robotics: A Buddhist Viewpoint (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020), The Online Self (Springer, 2016), and A Buddhist Theory of Privacy (Springer, 2016). His articles have appeared in Asian Philosophy, The Information Society, AI & Society, Philosophy in the Contemporary World, and Social Epistemology, among others.


Secretary-Treasurer of the CPWP Executive Board (2024-27), Dr. SCHILTZ’s brief bio:


SCHILTZ, Elizabeth, received her Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Humanities-Classics from Ohio Wesleyan University, and her PhD in Philosophy from Duke University, USA. She has the great good fortune to hold the Purna, Rao, Raju Chair of East–West Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the College of Wooster, in Wooster, Ohio, USA. Her teaching and research interests include comparative philosophy and philosophy as a way of life in general, and ancient Greek and Asian philosophical traditions in particular.  Her recent publications include “Meditation is the Substance of Wisdom” in Introduction to Buddhist East Asia: An Interdisciplinary Approach (2023), “Daoist Sage, Daoist Leader:  Isaac McAdoo Finds His Flow,” in Ted Lasso and Philosophy (2023), and “Soul, Body, and the Philosophical Way of Life: Plato and a Pythagorean at the Syracusan Court” in Body and Soul in Ancient Greece and Rome (2024).


Coordinator of the CPWP Consultancy Board, Dr. MOU’s brief bio:


MOU, Bo (牟博) is Professor of Philosophy at San Jose State University, California, USA. After receiving BS in mathematics, Mou obtained graduate degrees in philosophy at Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (MA) and at University of Rochester, USA (PhD). Mou publishes in contemporary philosophy, Chinese philosophy, and comparative philosophy on a range of issues in philosophy of language and logic, metaphysics, philosophical methodology, and ethics. Mou is the author of the monograph books Substantive Perspectivism (2009), Semantic-Truth Approaches in Chinese Philosophy: A Unifying Pluralist Account (2019), Cross-Tradition Engagement in Philosophy: A Constructive-Engagement Account (2020), Cross-Tradition Engagement on the Laws of Logic: Approaching Identity and Reference from Classical Chinese Philosophy to Modern Logic (2024), and of the reference book Chinese Philosophy A-Z (2010). He is a contributing editor for several research anthologies including Two Roads to Wisdom? Chinese and Analytic Philosophical Traditions (2001), Davidson’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy (2006), Constructive Engagement of Analytic and Continental Approaches in Philosophy: From the Vantage Point of Comparative Philosophy (2013), and Philosophy of Language, Chinese Language, Chinese Philosophy (2018). He is the editor of the reference books History of Chinese Philosophy (2009) and Chinese Philosophy: Critical Concepts in Philosophy (2018).