Program mentorstva (za istraživačke teme u oblasti Rural NEET Youth)
Program mentorstva (za istraživačke teme u oblasti Rural NEET Youth) – poziv za prijave otvoren do 31. oktobra 2021.
Poziv je otvoren za sve istraživače na početku karijere (do 8 godina nakon doktorata) ili doktorante koji su zainteresirani za istraživanja o temi NEET populacije mladih u ruralnim područjima
Call for Mentees - COST Action CA18213: Rural NEET Youth Network: Modeling the risks underlying rural NEETs social exclusion
If you are an Early Career Researcher (researchers up to 8 years after their PhD completion), or a PhD students and you are developing research about topics in Rural NEET Youth, you have to JOIN us in our Mentoring Program.
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You can also contact B&H member in this action: Alen Mujčinović (