New success of scientists from the Department of Physics, UNSA Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Prirodno-matematički fakultet

Although we work in a time of great constraints imposed on us by the pandemic, we strive to maintain scientific productivity. A paper co-authored by Doz. Dr. Amra Salčinović Fetići from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, UNSA “Transition from High-Entropy to Conventional Alloys: Which Are Better” was published in the journal Materials. The leader and coordinator of the research that resulted in the work is emeritus Prof. Dr. Emil Babić from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Zagreb. The work is the result of extensive collaboration between 14 researchers from four countries and seven different scientific institutions and represents a comprehensive experimental study of several different systems of high entropy alloys. Microhardness measurements were performed at the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of UNSA.


Materials magazine has an impact factor of 3,623 for 2020 and a five-year impact factor of 3,920 and according to JCR belongs to the group of Q1 journals in the field of Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering, while it belongs to the group of Q2 journals in the field of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science.


The complete paper is available at the link: