
Legal procedures of institutional evaluation and accreditation of our University that were successfully implemented in 2014 represent the most important activities and achievements of the University of Sarajevo in relation to the legal obligation of establishing a quality assurance and management system, as well as the obligation of continuous development of this system in order to ensure a high level of quality and achieve higher education objectives in accordance with the strategic interests of BiH and values and quality benchmarks of the European higher education system.
External evaluation and accreditation procedures were conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the quality assurance system in higher education on the territory of BiH and Sarajevo Canton and they included the implementation of the following prescribed steps:
- Internal institutional evaluation and preparation of the of the Self-Evaluation Report of the University of Sarajevo in 2013;
- Submission of the University Institutional Accreditation Request (27/12/2013);
- Appointment of a Commission consisting of national and international experts for quality assessment and review and providing recommendation on the accreditation of the (Commission appointed under Agency decisions from 22 May 2014 and 5 June 2014);
- Implementation of the Commission's visit for the external institutional evaluation of the University of Sarajevo (visit carried out on 1-3 June 2014 in accordance with the Commission‘s visit programme);
- Production and publication of the UNSA External Evaluation Report and recommendations on the accreditation process rollout (July-September 2014);
- Issuing of the Decision on the Institutional Accreditation of the University of Sarajevo (Decision of the Sarajevo Canton Ministry of Education, Science and Youth, No. 11-05-38-32838-5/14 of 18 September 2014, issued for a five-year period), and
- Subsequent activities (Decision of the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BiH, No. 05-33-1-370-9/14 of 26 September 2014 on the registration of the University of Sarajevo in the State Register of Accredited Higher Education Institutions in BiH)