
Study at UNSA

Welcome to the oldest university in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Through its many years of tradition, the University of Sarajevo has been educating and contributing to the society a large number of eminent experts in almost all areas, both on the domestic and the international academic stage. Therefore, we believe that our commitment to the production of contemporary and dynamic study programs, which are in line with world standards, is our duty and obligation that has no alternative.

Only those countries that have invested in the education of their creative people can today boast a high standard of living and market competitiveness. This is why our basic mission and vision is to put young people in the focus of learning and research so as to enable them to acquire the competence to answer to all the human and academic challenges that may emerge before them in the future. The success of our students in their lives is the measure of our success, therefore we are constantly working on the improvement and development of study conditions that do not lag behind the top European principles of acquiring knowledge.

Therefore, dear future students, we urge you to take a responsible approach to the education process and take advantage of the wide range of opportunities for acquiring knowledge provided by our University. By choosing the University of Sarajevo, you not only become part of a proud student and academic community, but you also place your intellectual curiosity and scientific knowledge into a leadership role that every modern and developed society craves for.

Be happy and proud of becoming a part of the University of Sarajevo and contributing to the development of scientific, professional and ethical thought in our country and beyond.

You certainly already know that our, but now also your University in Sarajevo is the oldest, the largest, the best ranked, the most prestigious, the most diverse and the best university in Bosnia and Herzegovina ... And this is why!

THE OLDEST! It was established in 1949, which is a testimony of the general social and cultural development of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It also follows the European humanistic tradition of the Humboldt University, continually taking care of linking research and education, and in this way strengthens and enhances the Bosnian academic community. The University of Sarajevo is also the driver of the establishment of new universities: Mostar, Banja Luka and Tuzla, and represents the alma mater of all public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

THE LARGEST! The University of Sarajevo is composed of 25 faculties and academies, as full members of the University, five institutes, three university centres, five associate members, and five other members.

BEST RANKED! Ranking lists on which the University of Sarajevo has been entered put it above all other universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina,. The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities puts the University of Sarajevo among the top 8% of all ranked universities in the world.

MOST PRESTIGIOUS! Since its inception, more than 160,000 graduates, over 16,000 masters and over 3,000 doctors of science have graduated. The University of Sarajevo has institutional accreditation as well as international accreditation of certain study programmes conducted at faculties and academies of the University of Sarajevo. 40% of all teachers in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are teaching at the University. Foreign students from countries in the region, but also from the USA, Italy, Brazil, Kenya, Syria and many other places, approximately 1,000 of them, are studying at our University. At the international level, the University of Sarajevo has more than 150 agreements on cooperation with prestigious universities throughout the world.

MOST DIVERSE! It is comprehensive because humanistic, social, medical, natural, mathematical and biotechnical, as well as technical sciences and arts can be studied at its faculties and academies, which provide the possibility of enrolling in a selected study in more than 500 study programmes. Students at our University can study as full-time, self-financing and part-time students, and it is also possible to choose Distance Learning Studies (distance learning) as well as study in English in a number of study programmes. And finally, the diploma obtained after graduation is recognised in the European Higher Education Area.

THE BEST! As a University applying the principles of the Bologna Declaration, we provide out students the opportunity to enjoy quality higher education, develop their ideas and perfect their competencies. Students are offered the possibility of international exchange through numerous mobility projects. One of them is Erasmus Mundus, in which our University has been participating since 2008. 

Dear future students, it is now up to you to choose what you want and love.

Welcome to the University of Sarajevo!