Istraživanje i saradnja

About us

Through the adopted international cooperation strategy for the period 2019-2023, the University of Sarajevo aims to:

  • promote "internationalization-at-home" for foreign students and staff
  • promote mobility programs for students, teaching and non-teaching staff;
  • developing international cooperation with partners across Europe and the world;
  • participation in global networks.

Our Office actively promotes and implements several projects and programs related to the international mobility of incoming and outgoing students and teaching and non-teaching staff (Erasmus+, Erasmus Mundus, CEEPUS, Mevlana). Office records and implements the establishment of international cooperation through bilateral agreements and monitors the participation of UNSA in global networks and memberships.

In addition to this, our Office is responsible for:

  • MOBILITY: by participating in many mobility programs, our service promotes programs, prepares invitations and competition text, prepares application documents, collects, and sends to partner universities and acts as an intermediary between the student, academic and administrative staff and the partner university;
  • INFO DAYS/WORKSHOPS: to inform students, academic and administrative staff about mobility programs and other international projects, our service organizes information days and workshops where it provides all information about current competitions and opportunities and helps with the registration of interested candidates;
  • WELCOME DAY FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (& ORIENTATION PROGRAM): The International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo, following the practice of partner universities from the European Union and beyond, organizes a Welcome Day and an orientation program aimed at getting to know international students, teachers and associates with our university, its history, tradition and culture, as well as the history, tradition, culture and customs of our city and country, i.e. to provide them with all the necessary academic and practical information. As part of the orientation program, students will get to know Bosnia and Herzegovina. For students who also participated in exchange projects have the opportunity to learn the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language, as well as to visit important tourist destinations of our country;
  • B/H/S LANGUAGE SCHOOL: in cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy, our service organizes a B/H/S language school for international students in the form of a course during the whole semester;
  • COOPERATION WITH ACADEMIC COORDINATORS: for credit mobility to go smoothly, our department successfully cooperates with academic coordinators at (sub)organizational units of the University of Sarajevo (deans, coordinators) in providing the necessary educational information;
  • BOARD FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION: The Board is an advisory body that works to strengthen internationalization and intensify inter-university cooperation with partner universities outside the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina through structured programs;
  • PUBLICATIONS: to promote the best possible, our service is active in the creation and design of various magazines and brochures on international programs, as well as on the best possible presentation of the University of Sarajevo;
  • SOCIAL SITES: our service represents the university in Sarajevo through various social sites: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.

Our projects:

  • International staff training week (Staff week): It is a five-day event that includes seminars, workshops, presentations and the active participation of domestic experts and international partners, as well as social and cultural activities and tastings of our local products through a designed program with a focus on the university's internationalization processes.
  • Scholarship fair: Recognizing the importance of the mobility of students, teachers and associates through partner universities in Europe and beyond, the International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo is a successful organizer of the scholarship fair - a unique event of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina, aiming is to bring together all the institutions that grant and/or administer scholarships or award other types of financial support for studying in BiH and abroad, and to enable them to present their scholarship and financial support programs and allow BH students to get all the information about the possibilities of studying abroad in one place.
  • The exhibition "Exhibition+": the story of Erasmus+ through photographs of students and staff from Bosnia and Herzegovina who participated in the Erasmus+ exchange. Visitors to the exhibition were able to gain insight into their experience and experience of overall mobility through photographs with brief explanations. Perhaps after viewing the exhibited photos, they were also motivated to apply for future Erasmus+ exchange invitations.
  • STINT: As part of implementing the Erasmus+ project for capacity building, "Strengthening the internationalization of BiH. of higher education" (STINT), the Service for International Cooperation actively participated in fulfilling tasks in the period from 15/10/2015 until 14/04/2019 according to the project's work packages, contributing to the overall results of the project - internationalization through the creation of documents, guides, pilot activities and the organization of staff training.
  • Scanajevo: online google application intended for visiting students and staff for more straightforward navigation in Sarajevo during their stay (by scanning the code, you get a map of Sarajevo with UNSA members marked, suggestions for visiting, eating, drinking, sports activities, locations for taking pictures and other practical information).
  • Online info sessions: during the coronavirus pandemic, the Office transferred many of its activities and promotions, as well as communication with students and staff, to online sessions through available software.

Our publications:

  • Instructions for mobility: This guide is intended for students, teaching and non-teaching staff of the University of Sarajevo (but it can also serve as a reference point for others) who want to apply for many competitions for international mobility.
  • Reports on international cooperation: in addition to the standard annual report on the work of the University of Sarajevo, the Service for International Cooperation, in collaboration with the vice-deans and coordinators for international cooperation, creates a separate report on international cooperation for the current year.
  • Instructions on the implementation of international credit mobility: this guide is intended for vice-deans and coordinators for international cooperation, that is, persons responsible for international collaboration who actively participate in the implementation of joint global mobility of students, teachers and non-teaching staff.
  • Strategy for developing international cooperation 2018/19 – 2022/23: to strengthen the internationalization process of UNSA to become a modern, prosperous, recognizable, desirable and socially responsible institution, the Strategy and a set of indicators were prepared to monitor its implementation.
