
The University of Sarajevo became part of the European university initiative called EUPeace (European University for Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies). The EUPeace alliance/network focuses on increasing the effects of internationalization under the prefix of nurturing a peaceful, just and inclusive European society, at different levels. In this way, our university continues the long-standing tradition of inter-university cooperation for the development of a culture of dialogue and the promotion of peace. The EUPeace Alliance consists of nine European universities:
- University of Marburg (Germany) - coordinator,
- Comillas Ponteficia University of Madrid (Spain),
- Çukurova University of Adana (Turkey),
- University of Giessen (Germany),
- University of Calabria (Italy),
- University of Limoges (France),
- University of Mostar (BiH),
- University of Sarajevo (BiH),
- University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic)
The official website of the alliance is