85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books

85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books

On the occasion of 85 birthday and 58 anniversary of continuous scientific work and social engagement of Dr. Avdo Sofradžija, professor emeritus of the University of Sarajevo, his colleagues and former students, at the initiative of Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, Rector of the University of Sarajevo and full professor at the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Sarajevo, held a ceremony on 20 June 2024 in the “Mladen Deželić” amphitheater of the UNSA Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics. The event included the promotion of books by this eminent professor.

Prof. Dr. Anja Haverić, senior research associate at the Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of the University of Sarajevo, Prof. Dr. Nusret Drešković, dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Sarajevo, Prof. Dr. Enad Korjenić (University of Sarajevo), Prof. Dr. Denisa Žujo Zekić (“Džemal Bijedić” University of Mostar), Prof. Dr. Avdul Adrović (University of Tuzla), Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, rector of the University of Sarajevo, Prof. Dr. Kasim Bajrović, director of the Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of UNSA in the period 2002-2015. and scientific advisor of the Institute, Salem Alihodžić, B.Sc. Eng. of Forestry and Emir Zlatar, Secretary General of the Council of the Congress of Bosniak Intellectuals spoke about Prof. Sofradžija’s immense scientific and social contribution.

Dean, Prof. Dr. Drešković expressed his satisfaction that this gathering brought together colleagues who collaborated with Professor Sofradžija in different phases of their intellectual and scientific work, and pointed out that this is an exceptional opportunity to thank him for his immense contribution to the overall development of the Science and Mathematics Department. of the Faculty of the University of Sarajevo - “with his tireless academic work, but also with his contribution to the institutional organization of the Faculty, whose development he accompanied practically from its foundation to the present day through the crucial 50 years”.

The Handbook Amphibians and Reptiles of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2021 was presented by the reviewer of this edition, Prof. Dr. Enad Korjenić, who pointed out that it is a publication that shows in a popular way the basic biological characteristics of 17 species of amphibians and 26 species of reptiles of Bosnia and Herzegovina. All described species are treated in a unique way that includes: vernacular and Latin name, description and variation, diet, reproduction, habitat, lifestyle and wider distribution, and population status.

After evoking memories of the “fateful” meeting with Professor Sofradžija, who went to Mostar in 2001 to lay the foundations of biology at the Faculty of Teaching in Mostar, and the long-term collaboration, Prof. Dr. Denisa Žujo Zekić presented the work Freshwater fish of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2009 to the audience, emphasizing that this is one of the pioneering publications in this field that continuously follows the ichthyofauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With this important work, the author confirms his scientific affinity towards ichthyology and the diversity of animal groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina in general. With the dominance of the systematic form of the modern scientific age, it is directed in a significant way towards all forms of human knowledge and foreknowledge, storing them and giving them new meanings. With his book, the author makes a contribution to this segment of faunistic research, considering that language and writing are the value on which the overall work of the author begins, in which there is not much room for philosophy and assumptions.

Prof. Dr. Avdul Adrović pointed out that the edition of Freshwater Fish of Bosnia and Herzegovina is an extremely high-quality work that represents the continuity of the establishment of textbook literature in the field of ichthyology and fisheries, in which the rich biodiversity of the ichthyofauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina is considered from different aspects. In this way, an evident gap in knowledge about the biodiversity of freshwater molluscs and fishes of Bosnia and Herzegovina was filled, so this edition is a reliable guide for students in discovering nature and ichthyofauna, as well as overall zoology.

Rector, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, the initiator of the ceremony, a former student of Professor Sofradžija and his colleague, gave a summary of the importance of ichthyofauna research in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the development and guidance of young experts in this field. He looked at the entire character and work of Professor Sofradžija, emphasizing his modesty, characteristic of all great researchers and scientists.

Rector Škrijelj pointed out that the books of Prof. Sofradžija, a kind of bridge that connects two centuries. As a product of his hard work and tireless work, these publications prove that Bosnia and Herzegovina has staunch researchers in its history, and that every field of research has had such giants. He concluded that one of the motives behind the organization of this gathering is the effort to show respect to important people during their lifetime, especially in a time when we are witnessing a general devaluation of everything positive. The presented editions, as a reflection of dedication and tireless work, defy such tendencies and remain as permanent value. Rector Škrijelj also emphasized that one of the key aspects of the legacy of Prof. Sofradžija is numerous doctoral students and hundreds of graduates and masters, who today are eminent Bosnian and regional professors and experts.

Professor Avdo Sofradžija, as one of the founders of cytogenetic and general genetic diagnostics in Bosnia and Herzegovina, made a significant contribution to the development and affirmation of the Center, later the Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (INGEB) from the time when it existed only as an idea. On that period, but also on the general importance of the professor's involvement in this field reflected Prof. Dr. Kasim Bajrović, long-time Director and Scientific Advisor of INGEB. He pointed out his huge mark in the implementation of the macro-project called Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, from which numerous laboratories of the University of Sarajevo and today's Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology grew. He concluded that the professional oeuvre of Professor Sofradžija in the field of science, education and upbringing is multi-faceted, layered and crucial for all educational levels, referring to the work Biodiversity of mammals in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a testimony of the diverse mammal fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which stands out for its richness in the European context. The results presented in this catalog are an important basis for the creation of scientific editions about the rich and varied biodiversity of our homeland.

In the continuation of the promotion, Salem Alihodžić, B.Sc. Eng. of forestry and former president of the Association of Hunting Organizations in BiH spoke about the works Hunting Game and Illustrated Hunting Lexicon, published by the Association of Hunting Organizations in BiH, where Professor Sofradžija made a great contribution to the education of the members of this Association.

After an exhaustive review of the scientific, academic, and pedagogical work that produced a number of fundamental publications in this field, as well as numerous generations of scientists, Mr. Emir Zlatar, Secretary General of the Council of the Congress of Bosniak Intellectuals, which awarded Professor Sofradžija the Council Plaque in 2018, reflected to his social engagement. He pointed out that within the Council, the professor initiated and traced the gathering of individuals of different ideological and political positions in the work for the welfare of the community, which confirms its size and breadth.

The gathering was concluded with an address by professor Sofradžija, who expressed his gratitude to the initiator of the event, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, but also to the host, the dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Nusret Drešković. He pointed out that he is extremely proud of the generations of his students, concluding that the upbringing and professional development of scientific and research youth is the only true indicator of academic progress and reach, but also the most significant contribution to the profession.

85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books
85 Birthday of life and 58 Anniversary of scientific and social work of emeritus Prof. Dr. Avdo Sofradžija with the promotion of books