P.R.E.V.E.Z.I. – Practical response-evaluation exercise of evacuation from earthquakes and incidents

On 25/01/2024, the 5th year students of the integrated study “Management in crisis situations” of the Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies, University of Sarajevo, within the subject Professional Practice 2, successfully defended their practical work, which they realized through the preparation of the Elaboration of Evacuation and Care in the Case of an Earthquake in Sarajevo "P.R.E.V.E.Z.I. - Practical response-evaluation exercise of evacuation from earthquakes and incidents".
We extend special gratitude to Prof. Dr. Naida Ademović from the UNSA Faculty of Civil Engineering UNSA and Prof. Dr. Edin Hrelja from the UNSA Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics for their selfless contribution and help to our students in the preparation of this study, and to all the teachers of the Faculty of Criminology, Criminology and Security Studies and experts from practice who during the winter semester advised and guided the students during the preparation of the Study.