Development and piloting of an online fact-checking course within the Erasmus + project “Disinfo Academy”

Razvoj i pilotiranje online kursa provjere činjenica (fact-checking) u okviru Erasmus + projektu „Disinfo Academy“

In the University of Sarajevo - Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in the period from 10 – 11 September 2024, the partners of the Erasmus + project “DisInfo Academy” met to discuss the upcoming tasks in the process of developing and piloting an online fact-checking course (fact- checking) and refutation of disinformation, presentation and publication of adapted fact-checking methodology, and finalization of the system for visual marking of various types of harmful information.

In addition to the online course that will be available, the project will also result in the preparation of a collection of categorized and explained digital fact-checking tools. The collection will facilitate the work of current or future fact-checkers and journalists, students and the general public who need to independently verify information. During the meeting, the first part of the team's training for the experimental system for graphic marking of content that can be considered disinformation or manipulation was held. Training continues in October in an online format.

1The University of Sarajevo participates in the implementation of the Erasmus + project called “Disinfo Academy”, which was selected as part of the call for 2022 “Cooperation partnerships in higher education, KA220-HED”. The coordinator of the project is NTCentar from Sofia, while the other participants in the project, in addition to the University of Sarajevo, are the University of Sofia, Koç Istanbul University and Eurocom from Bucharest. The project leader from the University of Sarajevo is Prof. Dr. Pavle Mijović from the Faculty of Catholic Theology.



Razvoj i pilotiranje online kursa provjere činjenica (fact-checking) u okviru Erasmus + projektu „Disinfo Academy“
Razvoj i pilotiranje online kursa provjere činjenica (fact-checking) u okviru Erasmus + projektu „Disinfo Academy“
Razvoj i pilotiranje online kursa provjere činjenica (fact-checking) u okviru Erasmus + projektu „Disinfo Academy“
Razvoj i pilotiranje online kursa provjere činjenica (fact-checking) u okviru Erasmus + projektu „Disinfo Academy“
Razvoj i pilotiranje online kursa provjere činjenica (fact-checking) u okviru Erasmus + projektu „Disinfo Academy“