The University Senate Adopted the University of Sarajevo Statute


The University of Sarajevo Senate adopted the University of Sarajevo Statute at the 25th regular session of 28 November 2018.

In accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Higher Education, on 9 September 2018, the Senate outlined the proposal of the University of Sarajevo Statute considering the prior University of Sarajevo Steering Committee’s Opinion.

In the further proceeding, the proposed University of Sarajevo Statute was submitted to the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Canton Sarajevo for the approval of its compliance with the Cantonal Law on Higher Education. Within the legal deadline, the Ministry issued the Granting Approval Decision regarding the Statute on 22 November 2018 and gave its positive opinion in relation with its compliance with the Law on Higher Education’s provisions.

By virtue of the entry into force of this Statute, the previous University of Sarajevo Statute of 26 June 2013 shall cease to apply.

This newly enacted University of Sarajevo Statute, in accordance with the regulations concerning the higher education and research activity in the Sarajevo Canton, more precisely regulates: activities, organization, work modes, management, governing, status of academic staff and other employees, student status, operational financing and other issues of relevance to the higher education and research at the University of Sarajevo.