Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave

Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave

Christian Schmidt, the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, delivered a lecture on 18th April 2024, at the University of Sarajevo.

Professor Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, University of Sarajevo Rector, welcomed Schmidt with a warm address, expressing his gratitude for the High Representative's willingness to share his insights on Bosnia and Herzegovina's political reality with the academic community. "The university's role, among other things, is to serve as a responsible academic platform that allows the wider public to access verified and trustworthy facts that accurately describe the challenges and problems faced by modern Bosnian-Herzegovinian society. The University of Sarajevo is an institution of higher education that takes this responsibility seriously and views today's lecture in this context. I would like to emphasize that the University of Sarajevo values the High Representative's efforts, particularly in creating conditions for strengthening institutions and other prerequisites for stabilizing and developing Bosnia and Herzegovina," said Rector Škrijelj.

High Representative Christian Schmidt spoke to students and members of the academic community about the role of international representatives in building peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina, education, and staying in this country. He expressed his satisfaction with the visit to the university, which is also the alma mater of Bosnian-Herzegovinian universities.

"Universities are usually places where we work on projects in the fields of science and research, and they are especially important for law faculties and faculties of political science," Schmidt said.

He noted that there has been enough discussion already, but it seems that discussions about numerous topics in this country are still not over and that additional discussion is needed. "In this sense, I believe that the academic community is very important because it should be involved in all discussions being held," said the High Representative.

He stated that he did not have a special motto for this lecture, but if he had to summarize what he wanted to tell students in one sentence, he would say that we should start using both positive and negative examples from the past and learn lessons from them to move forward into the future.

"Often, I have a feeling that people outside of this country have a superficial understanding of what is happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is important for them to come here, see the situation, and think critically about what they are studying here. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country to come to, stay in, and not leave," said High Representative Schmidt before the lecture, adding: "For those who ask about the academic community here, I can assure them that it is here at the heart of Europe."

Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave
Lecture by Christian Schmidt at the University of Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Country to Come to, Stay in, and Not Leave