Guest lectures within the academic exchange Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Public Policy from Malaysia and UNSA Faculty of Administration

Gostujuća predavanja u okviru akademske razmjene Fakulteta upravnih nauka i javnih politika iz Malezije i Fakulteta za upravu UNSA

Within the Memorandum of Cooperation signed in September 2019, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Public Policy from Malaysia and the Faculty of Administration from Sarajevo are implementing and preparing several important activities.

On 16 and 17 June 2021, a series of online guest lectures were held attended by students and academic staff of the two institutions.

On Wednesday morning of 16 June, Dr. Nor Hafizah Hj Mohamed Harith gave a lecture on the subject “Public Policy.” The emphasis of the lecture was on: the concept of public policies, analysis of public policies, and the methodology and process of public policies.

Dr. Aida Abdullah gave a lecture on the subject "Ethics in Administration". The emphasis of the lecture was on: the concept and relevance of ethics, the relationship between ethics and profession, ethics in management and ethical framework.

After lectures by Malaysian professors, Dr. Amel Delić gave a lecture on the subject "Modern Public Administration" for more than 600 present Malaysian students, on the topic "Modern challenges in human resources management in the civil service with a focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina." In his lecture, Dr. Delić presented the SIGMA principles of public administration as a globally accepted standard, then the constitutional structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, after which he presented a detailed analysis of the application of SIGMA principles in the field of human resources management in the civil service at all levels of government in Bosnia and Herzegovina. successful models in the world.

On Thursday 17 June, Dato Dr. Nasrudin Mohammed gave a lecture on "Modern Public Administration", in which he presented the political system of Malaysia, as well as issues of traditional public administration, and two models of modern understanding and operation of administration (New Public Management and New Public Governance).

Later in the day, a lecture on the subject "Analysis of Financial Statements" was given by Dr. Hjh Memiyanty Hj Abdul Rahim. The focus of the lecture was on: ratio analysis within financial reporting, the need for financial management and key measures for the analysis of financial statements, and the analysis of practical examples related to various forms of ratio analysis.

This type of cooperation was successfully completed with a lecture by the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo June, Dr. Emir Tahirović. The lecture on the subject "Public Policy" was held on the topic "Implementation of Public Policy". In his lecture, Dr. Tahirović emphasized the concept of policy implementation, subjects of policy implementation, techniques, management and supervision over the implementation of public policies, market orientation during the implementation of public policies, and strengths, problems and weaknesses, i.e., different conditions for effective implementation of public policies.

The Faculty of Administration, University of Sarajevo would like to thank once again the students, deans, lecturers, other professors and associates who contributed to this series of guest lectures, and especially the persons who participated in organizing these activities at both partner institutions. We announce that new activities between the two institutions are already being prepared.

Gostujuća predavanja u okviru akademske razmjene Fakulteta upravnih nauka i javnih politika iz Malezije i Fakulteta za upravu UNSA
Gostujuća predavanja u okviru akademske razmjene Fakulteta upravnih nauka i javnih politika iz Malezije i Fakulteta za upravu UNSA