The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy

The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy

Organized by the Department of Psychology and the Center for Psychological Research, Education and Counseling, operating within the Center for Scientific Research and Professional Activities of the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Philosophy (NIRSA), on 21 and 22 June 2024, at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy, the 8th Sarajevo Days of Psychology scientific and professional meeting was held.

The UNSA Faculty of Philosophy was once again a place where domestic and foreign psychologists gathered, as well as other scientists and experts from related disciplines who, through the exchange of professional experience and the most current scientific knowledge, contributed not only to the promotion of psychology, but also to the affirmation of the role of scientific thought and responsible practices in improving the quality of life.

The program included announcements of original basic and applied research from various fields of psychology (clinical psychology, educational psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology and cognitive psychology), which were realized through round tables, oral presentations, professional workshops and poster presentations.

The plenary lecture was held by Prof. Dr. Andrea Vranić from the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb on the topic: Effectiveness of cognitive training: Are we asking the right question?.

A round table was also held on the topic: “The Act on the Activity of Psychologists in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - the way to higher standards and quality of work of psychologists” as well as an invited symposium in memory of Prof. Dr. Ismet Dizdarević, under the title “History of the development of psychology in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

The realization of the Eight Sarajevo Days of Psychology was significantly helped by the companies Creativa BH d.o.o. and Unlock d.o.o. (gold sponsors of the Gathering), as well as the System Training Institute Foundation - MENTIS (silver sponsor of the Gathering).

The Eight Sarajevo Days of Psychology Organizing Committee.

The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy
The Eighth Sarajevo Days of Psychology held at the UNSA Faculty of Philosophy