Decree on the Establishment, Procedures and Criteria for Awarding Federal Science Awards


The Federal Government, at its 234th session of 3 September 3, 2020 in Mostar, passed a Decree on the establishment, procedures and criteria for the award of federal awards for science. The Government awards these prizes to BiH citizens residing in the FBiH for exceptionally significant achievements in scientific research and research and development, for expanding scientific knowledge and for the successes in applied results of scientific research and research and development work achieved by scientists and researchers - nominees for the award.
Four categories are envisaged: a lifetime achievement award, annual awards for science, for young researchers and for popularization and promotion of science. They consist of a sum of money and a charter.

Candidates for the awards can be nominated by academies of science and arts, universities and their organizational units, faculties, scientific institutions, scientific research and research and development institutes, technology parks and other legal entities registered for scientific research and research and development activities based in FBiH.

The adopted regulation will be in force from 1/1/2021.

Such awards, in addition to the recognition of scientists for the achieved results, represent a significant contribution to the popularization of research work and the promotion of countries as scientifically and technologically aware countries at the international level.
So far, there has been no regulated manner and procedure of social evaluation of scientific results in the FBiH, although it is evident that scientists and researchers from these areas have achieved notable successes at the domestic and international level.

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