The Bosniak Institute - Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation awarded certificates to students of the Faculty of Political Sciences at UNSA for successful student internships

The Bosniak Institute - Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation awarded certificates to students of the Faculty of Political Sciences at UNSA for successful student internships

The Bosniak Institute - Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation awarded certificates to 7 students of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, who successfully completed student internships in the period from 15 February to 15 June 2024 in four cycles lasting four weeks. Students spent 20 hours a week, or 80 hours a month, on internship, which corresponds to the value of 3 ECTS credits, which will be added to the diploma supplement.

The student practice was organized with the coordination of the leader and mentor of the Bosniak Institute with the aim of practical application of acquired theoretical knowledge and adoption of new skills that are applied in cultural and scientific heritage institutions.

The student internship was carried out by students of the 3rd year of the first cycle of studies and the 2nd year of the second cycle of studies from the Department of Political Science - specializations in State Management and International Relations and Diplomacy, the Department of Sociology and the Department of Security and Peace Studies, namely the following students: Emina Aličković, Ajnur Kaniža, Ilma Kazaferović, Adelina Ćatić, Lamija Veladžić, Meliha Mujan and Emina Murtić. 

The Vice Dean for Education, Prof. Dr. Elvis Fejzić, head of the Department of Political Science, prof. Ph.D. Ehlimana Spahić and head of the Department of Sociology, Prof. Dr. Sarina Bakić. On behalf of the Bosniak Institute - Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation, the President of the Board of Directors of the Bosniak Institute, Mr. Fehim Škaljić, mentor Narcisa Puljek-Bubrić and librarians Sanin Hatibović and Maja Sijerčić.

Student practice is a joint project of the Faculty of Political Sciences and the Bosniak Institute, and its implementation began after establishing cooperation and signing a Memorandum of Understanding, professional cooperation and mutual support in work and research in the field of social and humanities. With this, both institutions made official the beginning of future joint activities that promote and affirm the importance of Bosnia and Herzegovina's scientific and cultural heritage and generally contribute to research in the field of social and humanistic sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

By organizing student internships, it was possible for students of the Faculty of Political Sciences to become familiar with the cultural and scientific projects of the Bosniak Institute, contribute to their development and directly get involved in the day-to-day work of this institution.

The new generation of students of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo will continue with the second cycle of student internships at the Bosniak Institute from October of the current year.