University of Sarajevo Institute for History Web Shop Presented

The promotion of the UNSA Institute for History Web Shop, the first project of this at the University of Sarajevo was ceremonially organized in the University of Sarajevo’s Rectorate on 28 September 2023.
The promoter were Dr. Sedad Bešlija, Mr. Sc. Nadina Grebović-Lendo and Anida Ibričić as project manager, while Igor Mišković spoke on behalf of Library of the Institute for History in Sarajevo’s Library.
The Institute for History Director, Dr. Beslija said that in addition to its primary scientific research, the Institute seeks to develop and raise standards in the information-technical and marketing sense. “The development of the webshop of the Institute of History is one such project. We can boast that it is the first project of its kind at the University of Sarajevo,” said Dr. Bešlija. He emphasized that this project is significant for the Institute and Publishing activity due to the fact that now what the researchers have announced will be more accessible to buy both in BiH and beyond its borders. “We hope that we will now be able to market our publishing production throughout the world. In this way, we want to raise the standards of our work in accordance with those standards that are already in force in all developed scientific institutions in our environment, Europe and the world,” said Dr. Bešlija.
The web shop will allow easier sale of publishing materials of the Institute for History, but also make it more accessible to citizens of BiH and beyond, said project manager Anida Ibričić. “This means that all interested citizens in BiH and beyond will be easier to access the editions of the Institute, insight into facilities as well as shopping through an online store,” Ibričić said, adding that this will be able to promote domestic scientific innovations and insured cooperation on international level. As for the publishing and the works that can currently be found on the webshop, Ibričić points out that they currently have about 130 editions, but that over time this number will be higher. "Of the historical monographs, special editions, documents, memoirs, as well as the journal of the Institute of History. As the editions are published, it will be available for purchase in the domestic and international markets” explains Ibričić.
The promotion of the scientific production on the Internet raises the visibility of the University, as well as the author of the publication, Grebović-Lendo confirmed “The Institute of History of the University of Sarajevo has a rich scientific production that has been nurtured for years. By allowing the sale of editions through the web store, the Institute opens the door to readers outside Bosnia and Herzegovina. In doing so, it increases the visibility of the Institute, the University and its associates. I am sure that with the opening of the Weh Shop, interest in the editions of the Institute will increase significantly.”
At the promotion, a detailed way of buying online shopping on the webshop and its other specifics were presented. More information can be obtained from the websites “”
As part of the webshop promotion program, the completed project of the UNSA Institute for History’s Library was presented. Igor Mišković spoke more about the process and challenges and difficulties the Library faced.
The promotion was also attended by Assistant Minister of Civil Affairs of BiH, Mr. Suvad Džafić, who was presented with a special plaquette for financial support.