Novo Sarajevo Mayor visited the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina

On 29 March 2021, Mayor of Novo Sarajevo Mayor Dr. Hasan Tanović visited the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
During the visit to the National and University Library of BiH, the director dr. Ismet Ovčina acquainted Mayor Tanović with the resources, activities and plans of the Library, but also with the problems that are a consequence of the still unresolved legal and financial status of this and six other cultural institutions of importance for BiH. In a conversation with Director Ovčina and his associates, the Mayor showed interest in more concrete cooperation between the Municipality and NUBBiH, in terms of promoting the cultural heritage inherited by NUBBiH.
During the visit, Mayor Tanović visited the reading rooms, the Special Collection, as well as other departments of the Library. He showed a special interest in old library materials, magazines, rarities and manuscripts. These collections are constantly in the interest of scientific and cultural workers, both domestic and regional and world, as evidenced by the fact that parts of the Special Collections, as a special department of NUBBiH, are actually part of European and world documentary heritage and are continuously the subject of numerous academic and professional research community. At its 35th session, in June 2020, the Commission for Preserving National Monuments adopted a decision to designate the Special Collections of NUBBiH as a National Monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which further confirms the significance and value of the material of these collections. By the way, NUBBiH is a member of all meritorious European and world library associations.
Dr. Ismet Ovčina presented the mayor with a number of current editions of NUBBiH, where the magazine "Bosniaca" is especially important, which is published once a year, and it publishes original, professional and scientific papers, as well as systematized material of great importance for the renewal of the library collection and library profession as a whole.