Lecture series: MUSIC IN CONTEXT 2020/2021. Guest lecturer: DAMIR IMAMOVIĆ

Lecture series: MUSIC IN CONTEXT 2020/2021.
Guest lecturer: DAMIR IMAMOVIĆ
Topic: Tradition and Individual Creativity
Course professor: Dr. Amila Ramović, associate professor, UNSA Academy of Music
Date: Thursday, April 1, 2021, 7 p.m.
The Academy of Music of the University of Sarajevo has the pleasure to announce a lecture by Damir Imamović, a prominent musician, composer, researcher and educator, within the course "Music in Context".
With a lecture entitled "Tradition and Individual Creativity", Damir Imamović will share with students and the audience his research and experiences in exploring the boundaries between normative and creative in the space of musical tradition, as well as methods of creative thinking for which tradition can be a model and inspiration.
The Music in Context course is led and moderated by musicologist Dr. Amila Ramović, associate professor at UNSA’s Academy of Music.
Damir Imamović (b. 1978), is a musician, author, researcher and educator.
He has been professionally dealing with traditional music in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2005 as a performer, researcher and composer. He has been performing regularly in BiH and the region of Southeast Europe, as well as in the USA, China, India, Japan, Mexico, etc. He is the author of seven music albums, a large multimedia exhibition "Sevdah, the Art of Freedom" (UG FOTON, National Gallery of BiH, 2015), the first history of sevdalinka ("Sevdah", Vrijeme Zenica, 2016). He is the winner of two awards in the field of authorship in the traditional music of the people of BiH (AMUS), several awards for theatre and film music, Transglobal World Music chart award for best European album (2020), winner of the German "Grammy" (German Music Critics Association Award that rated his album as one of the best releases in the field of traditional music in 2020.) ...
Damir graduated in Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Sarajevo. He has been active as an educator since 2011 within his own program "SevdahLab". He has taught and held practical workshops at numerous educational and research institutions around the world: Loyola University Chicago (USA), Collegio Internazionale Ca 'Foscari (Venice, Italy), Department of Slavic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy in Ljubljana, Academy of Music in Zagreb, SANU Music Institute, Conservatorium Wien Privatuniversität, Academy of Music in Aarhus (Denmark), Boise State University (USA) and others.
The lecture will take place via Zoom on Thursday, April 1, 2021, at 7 p.m.
The link request can be submitted by registering through Google Forms, by April 1, 2021, 6.00 p.m: https://forms.gle/M5dtj9d14faDoq7U7 .
The invitation with the link will be emailed to registered participants on April 1, 2021, at 6.30 p.m.
For more information please visit: www.mas.unsa.ba or contact us via muk@mas.unsa.ba.