Meeting with Macedonian and Montenegrin Delegations at the Language Institute

Sastanak delegacija iz Makedonije i Crne Gore u Institutu za jezik

On Monday, 5 March 2018, a working meeting was held on the topic “Challenges of Contemporary Southern Slavicism” at the UNSA Language Institute. The meeting was attended by UNSA Language Institute representatives and the delegation from the Institute for Macedonian Language “Krste Misirkov”, led by the director Dr. Elena Jovanov-Gruevski, as well as Faculty of Montenegrin Language and Literature delegation headed by Novica Vujević. After mutual acquaintance, the representatives of all three Institutions presented their work in short, and then some current issues that were common to the development of the Bosnian, Montenegrin and Macedonian languages. The attendees exchanged their experiences, they gave more experienced younger recommendations to the young, and all these issues will be discussed in the coming days, when public discussions on Macedonian and Montenegrin parties are planned.