Successfully completed specialist training "Crime scene processing"

Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"

On 15  December 15, 2021, in the premises of the Specialist Support Unit of the Sarajevo Canton MUP Police Administration, a full-day practical exercise ended the specialist training "Crime scene processing" for police officers of the Canton Ministry of the Interior Police Administration. Sarajevo realized by the Faculty of Criminology, Criminology and Security Studies of the University of Sarajevo. A total of 66 police officers successfully completed this specialist program, which was conducted by members of the academic staff and associates of the Faculty, in cooperation with experts from practice - colleagues from the Federal Police Administration and the Police Directorate of the KS MUP.

The Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies, University of Sarajevo launched the implementation of this lifelong learning program, ie specialist training for police officers of the Police Administration of the Sarajevo Canton Ministry of the Interior, at the end of 2020. In the period from 21 to 23 December 2020, a theoretical segment of training was held as an academic program of non-cyclical form of education, primarily intended for experts, professionals who perform complex tasks in criminal investigations. Targeted specialist training in this area ended with the realization of the final practical exercise.

Certificates of successful completion of the program were presented to all participants by UNSA Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies Dean, Prof. Dr. Jasmin Ahić and Head of the Office of the Police Commissioner Samir Kekić, and expressed mutual satisfaction with the exceptional inter-institutional cooperation, especially in terms of more than successful implementation of this program, bearing in mind the importance of continuous training and special education of police officers. and all with the aim of conducting quality investigations and conducting investigations.

Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"
Uspješno završena specijalistička obuka "Obrada lica mjesta krivičnog djela"