University of Sarajevo Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the 3rd EXO Berlin International Fair 2019

Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu na 3. međunarodnom sajmu EXO Berlin 2019

Doz. Dr. Zlata Jelačić, UNSA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering participated at the prestigious International Fair and Forum Exoskeleton and Human Augmentation EXO Berlin 2019, held from 20 to 21 October 2019.
EXO Berlin is a leading trade fair and conference presenting the latest solutions in the field of humanoid robotics and exoskeletons, aimed at improving human potential. At the same time as the fair, there is a technology conference where visitors were given the opportunity to conduct in-depth dialogue aimed at improving rehabilitation results, improving performance, reducing fatigue and preventing injuries due to physically demanding tasks.
EXO Berlin brings together industry and academia decision makers all in one place. The participants come from the entire chain of development and production of exoskeletons, wearable assistive devices, human-robot collaboration, biomechanical systems, functional components and materials used. Engineers, researchers and entrepreneurs from industry and academia are invited to give a comprehensive overview of the latest innovations and technologies that are fully dedicated to pushing the boundaries of human performance.
This year, for the first time, someone from our wider community got a chance to exhibit their work. Assistant Professor Zlata Jelačić presented her SmartLeg project, smart robotic ankle prosthesis.
In this way, the University of Sarajevo Faculty of Mechanical Engineering found itself side by side with leading universities and institutes from Western Europe and Japan, proving the quality of its research work and staff, thus proving itself at the forefront of change, standing alongside leading innovators in the field of robotics and joining the free flow of ideas exchange.

Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu na 3. međunarodnom sajmu EXO Berlin 2019
Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu na 3. međunarodnom sajmu EXO Berlin 2019
Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu na 3. međunarodnom sajmu EXO Berlin 2019