KBF's New Book - Što kršćani trebaju znati o muslimanima radi međusobnog poštovanja? (Guidelines for dialogue between Christians and Muslims?)

Nova knjiga u izdanju KBF-a – „Što kršćani trebaju znati o muslimanima radi međusobnog poštovanja?“

At the end of October, a translation, done by Prof. Emeritus Mato Zovkić, of a book by Maurice Borrmans, ABC per capire and Musulmani (Turin: Edizioni San Paolo, 2007) (Što kršćani trebaju znati o muslimanima radi međusobnog poštovanja/Guidelines for dialogue between Christians and Muslims?) published by the Glasa Koncila Zagreb and the UNSA Faculty of Catholic Theology was released. 
Maurice Borrmans (1925-2017) was born in France and belonged to the Society of Missionaries of Africa (the White Fathers). He took his doctorate at the Sorbonne (Paris) and lived for twenty years in Algeria and Tunisia. He taught at the Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (PISAI) in Rome, was an editor of the review Islamochristiana from 1975 to 2004, and was also a consulter to the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue. Amongst his many works we may list Guidelines for dialogue between Christians and Muslims

„Što kršćani trebaju znati o muslimanima radi međusobnog poštovanja?“