Training „Innovative Education Methodologies Combining Humanities and ICT“ within the HomoDigitalis project

Održana obuka „Inovativne obrazovne metode koje kombinuju humanistiku i IKT“ u okviru projekta HomoDigitalis

A training workshop titled „Innovative Education Methodologies Combining Humanities and ICT“ was organized at the University POLIS in Tirana, Albania, on April 25-26, 2024. The workshop is a part of the activities of the ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE project 101129182 HomoDigitalis „Bridging the Digital Humanities and Educational Media Divide in the West Balkans“.

The HomoDigitalis project brings together ten partners with the aim of promoting digital humanities and creating the preconditions for a "digital leap" in the countries of the Western Balkans. The ‘digital leap’ is a sustainable formative factor in many areas of science and society. Its advances encompass a wide range of disciplines, including humanities, education and the cultural sector. As an inter-disciplinary field of study, digital humanities are a bridge linking the aforementioned disciplines with information technology for the purpose of helping others experience and explore these areas in new and stimulating ways, as well as scientists within the same disciplines advancing their research using technological tools. Digital humanities and educational media further stretch beyond academia, mainly through collaboration with the cultural heritage, tourism and education sectors.

The workshop lecturers were:  Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ernesto William De Luca (head of the Human-Centred Technologies for Educazional Media department at the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research - Member of the Leibniz Association (GEI) and Full Professor in Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany), and Assoc. Prof. Francesca Fallucchi (Associate Professor of University of Rome Guglielmo Marconi and information scientist at the Human-Centered Technologies for Educational Media department at Leibniz Institute for Educational Media at Georg Eckert Institute).

The aim of this project is to contribute to the alignment of digital humanities studies and digital educational media in the Western Balkans with European achievements. For this purpose, the advanced European expertise helps in strengthening the expertise in Digital Humanities Studies and Educational Digital Media in partner universities in WB in two directions: 1. Development of new study programs; 2. Revising and updating the syllabi of mandatory and elective courses in the existing curricula, with methods and approaches that focus on digital transformation. The project also contributes to the development and improvement of the laboratory base of the partner universities, as well as of developments in trainings designed for academic staff, laboratory staff and students.

On behalf of the University of Sarajevo, the training was attended by prof. dr. Dušanka Bošković, Vice Rector for Quality and Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Nikolić.

Održana obuka „Inovativne obrazovne metode koje kombinuju humanistiku i IKT“ u okviru projekta HomoDigitalis
Održana obuka „Inovativne obrazovne metode koje kombinuju humanistiku i IKT“ u okviru projekta HomoDigitalis