Training for persons responsible for plant protection products circulation and marketing

Pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 3, and Article 6, paragraph 5 of the Law on Plant Protection Products of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("Official Gazette of BiH", No. 49/04), Article 17 paragraph 5 of the Ordinance on the conditions to be met by legal and physical persons for trade in plant protection products ("Official Gazette of BiH", No. 51/11 and 79/13) and the Decision of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry no. 03-2-24 / 2-3074-13 / 14 that authorizes the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences is authorized to conduct training of persons responsible for plant protection products marketing in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, we invite legal subjects persons to apply for the training provided by the form.
The training will be organized at the premises of the Faculty of Forestry in Sarajevo, Zagrebačka 20.
Participants in basic and advanced training will be notified of the start of the training and tests.
The deadline for applying is 11 February 2018.
The training fee is 400, 00 BAM per candidate for basic training and 250, 00 KM per candidate for advanced training. The VAT is included.
The amount should be paid to the Faculty's account: 3389002207928948, at Unicredit Bank Sarajevo., purpose of the payment is: “Training of Responsible Persons in Phytopharmacies.” A copy of the payment slip should be submitted together with the application form at the address: Faculty of Forestry, Zagrebačka 20, 71000 Sarajevo or via fax 033/812-488 or scanned version at e-mail
All additional information can be obtained from the Head of Training Prof. Dr. Osman Mujezinović: 033 / 812-490, 061 / 417-895, or via e-mail: