The third issue scientific journal Genetics & Applications published

Within the publishing activities of the Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Sarajevo, the 3rd number of the scientific journal Genetics & Applications was published.
Genetics and Applications (G & A, is the official scientific journal of the Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (
of the University of Sarajevo.
The G&A publishes research results as original scientific papers from the following areas:
• molecular genetics,
• cytogenetics,
• human, plant and animal genetics,
• medical genetics,
• population genetics,
• Conservation genetics,
• genomics and functional genetics,
• genetic engineering,
• biotechnology and
• Bioinformatics.
The G&A allows authors to publish their work as short communiqués, overviews, or letters to editor. To this end, G&A offers the publication of their scientific research as soon as possible after the usual procedure in the editorial board and quality reviews. The journal is published twice a year in online and print format. G & A has become internationally recognizable, whose workers are indexed and cited in recognized international databases such as: EBSCO, DOAJ, CAB Abstracts, Google Scholar, Global Health Database and Crossref.