A New Book Published by the Faculty of Catholic Theology - Križni put dijaloga i ekumenizma (The Crossing Path of Dialogue and Ecumenism)

Nova knjiga u izdanju Katoličkog bogoslovnog fakulteta – „Križni put dijaloga i ekumenizma“

At the end of October, a book Križni put dijaloga i ekumenizma (The Crossing Path of Dialogue and Ecumenism) by Prof. Dr. Niko Ikić was published by the Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Sarajevo and Glas Koncila from Zagreb. The author wrote about the book: “The Faculty of Catholic Theology is like the pupil of the Archdiocese of Vrhbosna and the entire metropolis. In cultural and geographical, historical and religious terms, it is the location of Western and Eastern civilization, an area where different religions, cultures and nationalities meet. This is the ideal framework and the real challenge of this local Church for a genuine and honest dialogue for spiritual, concrete, life-long ecumenism. This local Church can be the majority of communion, and its Catholic Theological Faculty is a motor dialogue and a bond of unity. “
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