Session about EUPeace and Speed-dating - 2nd day of 11th Staff Week

On the second day of the 11th international staff training week (Staff Week), the University of Sarajevo organized two sessions:
- Session on the European Inter-University Alliance EUPeace;
- "Speed dating" session of presentation of participants - partner institutions
Vice-Rector for International Relations Prof. Ph.D. Enita Nakaš presented the European alliance EUPeace, of which the University of Sarajevo became a member in 2023. The European Alliance or the Universities of the European Alliance (European Alliance or European University Alliance) are initiatives within the European Union that bring together universities from different countries to promote cooperation, student exchange, and research and improve the quality of higher education throughout Europe. The alliances include 64 alliances of European universities with over 560 higher education institutions from all over Europe. Vice-Rector Nakaš stated that these initiatives usually encourage the creation of solid partnership ties between universities for the joint development of educational programs, research, and innovation and that through these initiatives and work packages, work is being done on the integration of their curricula, the creation of joint graduates, enabling more straightforward recognition of study programs and degree across Europe, as well as strengthening the international visibility and competitiveness of their institutions. The EUPeace alliance/network focuses on increasing the effects of internationalization under the prefix of nurturing a peaceful, just, and inclusive European society at various levels. In this way, the University of Sarajevo continues the long-standing tradition of inter-university cooperation to develop a culture of dialogue and promote peace. At the same time, this staff week was attended by representatives of three universities - members of EUPeace: Phillips University in Marburg (Germany, also the coordinator), University of West Bohemia (Czech Republic), and University of Limoges (France), which was excellent. An opportunity to exchange information about past work and upcoming events.
This was followed by the Speed dating session, where 24 institutions presented themselves through a specialized presentation:
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi, Romania
- Budapest Metropolitan University, Hungary
- Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
- Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (Toulouse INP), France
- Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Turkey
- Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland
- Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey
- Philipps University of Marburg, Germany
- Saarland University, Germany
- Polytechnic University of Santarém, Portugal
- Sofia University of St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria
- University of Beaux-Arts de Paris, France
- University of Barcelona, Spain
- University of Bologna, Italy
- University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
- University of Limoges, France
- University of Maribor, Slovenia
- University of Paris Nanterre, France
- University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
- University of Warsaw, Poland
- University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
- University of Paris 8, France
- Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
The speed-dating university presentation is a collaborative event format that allows universities to quickly present their programs, focusing on opportunities and advantages to potential students or partners. Each university had a limited time to present key information about itself, its study programs, research opportunities, student life, scholarships, and other relevant aspects. The session was followed by a gathering of domestic and foreign staff, where concrete steps toward cooperation were discussed, fostering a sense of engagement and collective effort.