Meeting of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to BiH and University of Sarajevo Rector

Susret ambasadorice Španije u BiH i rektora Univerziteta u Sarajevu

H. E. Mrs. María Teresa Lizaranzu Perinat, the Kingdom of Spain Ambassador, with the lecturer of the Spanish language at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, Mr. Guillermo Velasco, visited the University of Sarajevo today, where she met with Rector Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj and Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Prof. Dr. Enita Nakaš.

As part of the first official ambassadorial visit to the University of Sarajevo, Rector Škrijelj, with words of welcome, expressed gratitude for the visit and the expressed intention to improve cooperation, and wished H.E. a successful diplomatic mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Speaking about the international cooperation of the University, Rector Škrijelj stated that the University of Sarajevo has signed four bilateral agreements on academic cooperation with universities in Spain (University of Barcelona, ​​University of Granada, Complutense University of Madrid and Camilio Jose Cela University) and 16 agreements within Erasmus+ program.

During the meeting, ideas were exchanged on possible areas of cooperation, cooperation between the University of Sarajevo and universities in Spain, exchange of students and teachers, and opportunities for joint participation in projects. During the meeting, they discussed strengthening ties through various models of academic and cultural cooperation, as well as possible forms of cooperation between the University of Sarajevo and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in BiH.

Susret ambasadorice Španije u BiH i rektora Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Susret ambasadorice Španije u BiH i rektora Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Susret ambasadorice Španije u BiH i rektora Univerziteta u Sarajevu