Dr. Zdravko Grebo, University of Sarajevo Professor Emeritus Passed Away

Preminuo dr. Zdravko Grebo, profesor emeritus Univerziteta u Sarajevu

It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing away of a distinguished professor at the University of Sarajevo Faculty of Law and University of Sarajevo professor emeritus, Dr. Zdravko Grebo.

Professor Zdravko Grebo was born in Mostar on 30 July 1947. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo in 1970. He completed his postgraduate studies and obtained his PhD title at University of Belgrade.
He worked as a full professor at the UNSA Faculty of Law. He was the founder of the ZID city radio ZID, founder and director of the ZID Publishing House, member of the Bosnian Peace Corps Executive Board, founder of the HCA for ex-Yu, director of the Law Center FOD BiH, director of the international postgraduate course “European Studies” and founder of the Open Society Fund BiH.
He recipient of the European Club for Peace and Racism and Xenophobia award in 1994, Roosevelt Medal 1994, and the French Legion of Honor Award in 2003.
He published the following books:

  • “Marks i Kelsen”, Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1979.
  • “Pravni sistem SFRJ”, “Savremena administracija”, Beograd, 1972.
  • “Philosophy of Law”, Loyla University, New Orleans, 1984.
  • “Savremena američka pravna teorija”, Separat III programa RTS BiH 1989.
  • “Novi Ustav BiH”, Theoris iuris, Sarajevo, 1993.
  • “Elementi evropskog prava”, editor, University of Sarajevo, 1994.

The commemorative session will be held in the University of Sarajevo's Ceremonial Hall (Obala Kulina bana 7/II) on Friday, 1 February 2019, at 11:00.

The funeral will take at the Bare Cemetery on the same day at 14:30.