Czech Ambassador Visited Faculty of Philosophy

NJ. E. gospodin Jakub Skalník, ambasador Republike Češke u BiH

On the occasion of beginning of 2018/2019 a.y. and teaching activites at the Czech Language Department, at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, on 4 October 2018, H.E. Jakub Skalník, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Mrs. Anese Terza-Vukovic, Coordinator of the Department for Development Cooperation at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in BiH visited the Faczulty of Philosophy. The guests were welcomed by the Faculty of Philosophy representatives, Doz. Dr. Selma Đuliman, Vice-Dean for Scientific Research and International Academic Cooperation, Doz. Dr. Lejla Hajdarpašić, Vice-Dean for Teaching and Student Affairs, Doz. Dr. Amela Ljevo-Ovčina, Head of the Slavic Languages and Literature Department, and Jana Skoumalova, MA, Czech language lecturer.
Ambassador of the Czech Republic to BiH. H.E. Jakub Skalník, Vice-Dean Đuliman and the Head of the Department Livno-Ovčina addressed numerous students of the Czech Language and Culture course. Coordinator of the Department for Development Cooperation at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in BiH, Mrs. Anesa Terza-Vukovic, introduced the participants with various scholarship and study opportunities in the Czech Republic.