Announced Cooperation with the Medipol University from Istanbul

Najavljena saradnja sa Univerzitetom Medipol u Istanbulu

Medipol University representatives from Istanbul visited the University of Sarajevo on 22 January 2018, where they met with UNSA Rector, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj and Vice-Rector Aleksandra Nikolić. On behalf of the Medipol University Medical Group, the meeting was attended by 
Professor Ibrahim Sina Uckan and  associates, and Dr. Mevlit Jurseven on behalf of the Association of Doctors of the Republic of Turkey. On behalf of the UNSA Faculty of Dental Medicine at the meeting was present Doz. Dr. Selma Jakupović.

During the meeting, the possibilities of establishing academic cooperation between the University of Sarajevo and the University of Medipol was discussed  as well cooperation modes between the Faculties of the Medipol University and the UNSA Faculty of Dental Medicine.