The importance of implementing Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Značaj implementacije člana 24.  Konvencije o pravima osoba sa invaliditetom

On 21 December 2021, the Round Table on the Importance of the Implementation of Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was organized by the Committee for Inclusive Education of the Coordination Committee of the Association of Persons with Disabilities of Sarajevo Canton.

The round table was realized with the aim of providing additional explanations on the basic principles of inclusive education and the application of Indicators for monitoring the implementation of inclusive education. A significant place during the Round Table was given to reasonable accommodation, which is a fundamental right of persons with disabilities. Participants in the Round Table were representatives of associations, municipalities, a representative of the Ministry of Education, a representative of the Institution of the Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a representative of the Family Counseling Center, representatives of the Center for Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Sarajevo, a political party and Representatives of the Office for Student Support of the University of Sarajevo, Prof. Dr. Lejla Kafedžić, Amina Nurak and Amina Ribić. Representatives of the University, during the discussion, briefly presented the work of the Office, changes in the curricula and programs of teacher studies at the University during 2019 and spoke about the professional development of teachers at the University.

The University of Sarajevo remains committed to promoting inclusiveness in higher education in accordance with Article 24.

Značaj implementacije člana 24.  Konvencije o pravima osoba sa invaliditetom
Značaj implementacije člana 24.  Konvencije o pravima osoba sa invaliditetom