Minister Avdić and Rector Škrijelj discussed the development of the KS Culture Development Strategy

Ministar Avdić i rektor Škrijelj razgovarali o izradi Strategije razvoja kulture KS

The Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Sarajevo Canton, in cooperation with UNESCO in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is approaching the development of the Sarajevo Canton Cultural Development Strategy 2021-2027. On that occasion, the Minister of Culture and Sports, Mr. Samir Avdić, together with the Assistant Minister of Culture, Mrs. Lejla Mujkić, visited the University of Sarajevo where he met with Rector, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, Vice-Rector for Arts, Culture and Sports Prof. Dr. Tamara Karača-Beljak and Mr. Sc. Miroslav Živanović, Head of the Rector's Office.

With the aim of drafting the most comprehensive and high-quality document, the ways of involving the academic community of the University of Sarajevo in this process were discussed.

Minister Avdić emphasized that the Strategy for the Development of Culture in KS should contribute to the growth and development of art and culture in the Sarajevo Canton, and stressed the importance of involving representatives of the University of Sarajevo in drafting this document. He pointed out that the University of Sarajevo has quality staff, and educates young people who will create a better and higher quality society.

Rector Škrijelj expressed his words of support for the development of the KS Culture Development Strategy, emphasizing that the University of Sarajevo is obliged to be in the function of strengthening the capacity of the Sarajevo Canton.

Sarajevo Canton Culture Development Strategy 2021-2027 is a strategic document that directs the development of culture in the Canton, identifies development priorities and is a roadmap for the overall cultural development of the Sarajevo Canton (KS), taking into account all its dimensions.