Dr. Omar Suleiman delivered a lecture at the Gazi Husrev-beg Library

Dr. Omar Suleiman održao predavanje u Gazi Husrev-begovoj biblioteci

Organized by the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Sarajevo and the Gazi Husrev-beg Library, on Friday, December 16, 2021, a lecture by Dr. Omar Suleiman on “How Bad Times Bring Out the Best in Us - How Hard Times Bring Out the Best in Us” took place. The moderator was Prof. Dr. Hfz. Aid Smajić. The lecture was held in English, and the number of visitors was limited to 100 due to compliance with hygienic and epidemiological measures. All other interested parties had the opportunity to follow the lecture via “Zoom.”


During the “Zoom” session, the lecture was recorded and is available at the following link:



Dr. Omar Suleiman održao predavanje u Gazi Husrev-begovoj biblioteci
Dr. Omar Suleiman održao predavanje u Gazi Husrev-begovoj biblioteci
Dr. Omar Suleiman održao predavanje u Gazi Husrev-begovoj biblioteci
Dr. Omar Suleiman održao predavanje u Gazi Husrev-begovoj biblioteci