Continuous education “Health care in disasters” held at the Faculty of Health Studies UNSA. Adopting practical skills and techniques in emergencies“

Na Fakultetu zdravstvenih studija UNSA održana kontinuirana edukacija „Zdravstvena zaštita u katastrofama. Usvajanje praktičnih vještina i tehnika u urgentnim stanjima”

On 11 December 2021, in the organization of the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Health Studies, study program Health Care, a continuous education “Health care in disasters. Adoption of practical skills and techniques in emergencies“ took place. The goal of continuous education is the acquisition of knowledge, practical skills and techniques in conditions of immediate life-threatening injuries through a practical multidisciplinary approach for a significant role in the further treatment of life-threatening.

Continuous education with introductory lectures on the topic “Introductory considerations on health care in disasters. Adoption of practical skills and techniques in emergencies“ was opened by Prof. Dr. Suada Branković, Head of the study program Health Care, which initiated the organization of such an important education for health professionals. Lecture on “Cardiopulmonary resuscitation/resuscitation of circulation” was given by Prof. Dr. Hadžan Konjo, and Amela Salihović, M.Sc., spoke about the role of health professionals in challenging conditions/disasters.

After the introductory lectures, the participants had the opportunity to engage in practical work in the second session. Practical work on the models was led by licensed educators in the field of emergency medicine, who explained in detail the procedures necessary for thorough life support in accordance with current guidelines.

For all twelve participants, the organizer of the training provided certificates that will be scored by the Chamber of Nurses-Technicians of Sarajevo Canton.

We thank all the participants who recognized the importance of continuous training in the health profession.