Homework HUB: Research HUB Gallery “Fatima Al-Fihri”
Homework HUB, the first university HUB of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is proud to present a new Research Gallery - Fatima Al-Fihri. The gallery was named after the first woman to found a university in the world (Morocco) and by which today's universities are ranked.
At the Gallery you will find two computers with a #EBSCO database, which HUB has provided for students, pupils and young people to research, search, in order to get the best quality seminar papers, essays and theses and scientific research papers.
The purpose of HUB is to gather as many young people as possible to study together or individually, prepare exams, work on innovations, while being in a relaxed motivating atmosphere. Homework HUB aims to be the first scientific research center accessible to the student body and to have all the materials at their fingertips, and our new Research Gallery contributes greatly to this.
“Homework Hub has been working for almost two years to improve education and encourage young people to invest in themselves and their education. By opening a section on the website entitled: HUB Science is in, we have given young people the opportunity to research, write and send their first small scientific research papers “, states the Homework of HUB and adds:” In this way we provide an opportunity to all our members to use the opportunities offered to them as a good start for further development of their skills, but also science.”
For more information on the work of HUB, you can visit the website: