75th Anniversary of ZAVNOBIH and ZAVNOH in the Context of Current Regional Relations

Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović

75th Anniversary of ZAVNOBIH and ZAVNOH in the Context of Current Regional Relations 

The University of Sarajevo marked the most important day in BH history – 25 November by organizing an appropriate Open Lecture event that took place on Thursday, 22 November 2018. The guest of honor who delivered a lecture on the topic “75th Anniversary of ZAVNOBIH and ZAVNOH in the Context of Current Regional Relations” was Prof. Dr. Ivo Josipović, former President of the Republic of Croatia from 2010 to 2015.
University of Sarajevo Rector, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj addressed the audience and announced Dr. Josipović.  Rector Dr. Škrijelj in his address pointed out that Dr. Josipović is a proven friend of Bosnia and Herzegovina who has given an exceptional contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.
“The experiences of coexistence and spirit of togetherness have their purpose and historical reasons. Thus, on 25 November 1943, the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s statehood was reaffirmed by the will of its people at the ZAVNOBiH’s First Session, in its medieval borders that are among the oldest in Europe” said Rector Dr. Škrijelj and reminded that in Bosnia and Herzegovina the coexistence and tolerance were never questions of morality, but the meaning of the existence of all the people living in this area.
“This undeniable fact was confirmed exactly on 25 November 1943, by an act expressing the determination of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina and others that their country ‘which is neither Serbian, or Croatian, or Muslim, but Serbian, Muslim and Croat’  is a community of equal people. This historical act is one of the main pillars of the statehood of our country, and therefore it needs to be permanently promoted despite all the efforts of destructive rhetoric that try to show that co-existence in this country is impossible” stressed Rector Škrijelj.
In his lecture, Dr. Josipović revolved on the political  importance of both ZAVNOBIH (State Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and ZAVNOH (State Anti-fascist Council for the National Liberation of Croatia) then and now from the perspective of current situation. “When we look at the situation today and compare how our societies and countries rely on the tradition of antifascism and ZAVNOH and ZAVNOBiH, then I must say that the situation in Croatia is abysmal” said Professor Josipović, adding: “It's not great because even though Croatia in the preamble of the Constitution has a reference to the anti-fascist fight, unfortunately we have today social processes in which certain political parties and groups want to redefine Croatian history, i.e. they want to make good evil, and make evil good.” Dr. Josipović stated that the revision of history in Croatia takes place on several levels: one is symbolic, with the affirmation of symbols associated with NDH (Independent State of Croatia – World War II fascist puppet state of Germany and Italy), the second level is a strong movement within the Catholic Church that working on revising history, while the third level of revisionism is undertaken by those who publicly proclaim anti-fascist fight the warcrime, and the Ustasha regime people’s will. Also, clear signals are present in culture, art and sports of reversing the flow of history and attempts of its change.
Professor Josipović concluded that in recent years the trend of revision and reaffirmation of Ustashas in Croatia has been visible and growing, pointing out that he hopes that this will not go into something bigger and much more dangerous than it is today, because bill of history revision would be paid in Croatia by  its minorities.
Former Croatian President, Prof. Dr. Ivo Josipović was awarded with the International Prize Isa-beg Ishaković for his merits in promoting peace, understanding and tolerance at a ceremony in the National Theater Sarajevo on 21 November 2018.

Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović održao predavanje na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu povodom Dana državnosti BiH
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović održao predavanje na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu povodom Dana državnosti BiH
Prof. dr. Rifat Škrijelj, rektor Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović, predsjednik Republike Hrvatske u periodu od 2010. do 2015. godine
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović održao predavanje na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu povodom Dana državnosti BiH
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović održao predavanje na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu povodom Dana državnosti BiH
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović održao predavanje na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu povodom Dana državnosti BiH
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović održao predavanje na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu povodom Dana državnosti BiH
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović održao predavanje na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu povodom Dana državnosti BiH
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović održao predavanje na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu povodom Dana državnosti BiH
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović održao predavanje na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu povodom Dana državnosti BiH
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović održao predavanje na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu povodom Dana državnosti BiH
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović u posjeti Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
Prof. dr. Ivo Josipović u posjeti Univerzitetu u Sarajevu