The Municipality of Ilidža Awarded the Best Pupils, Students, Athletes and Sports Teams

Općina Ilidža nagradila najbolje učenike, studente, sportiste i sportske kolektive

At the end of the year, Mayor of Ilidža Municipality, Nermin Muzur, hosted primary and secondary school students who achieved enviable results in municipal, cantonal, federal, state and international competitions.


- We are determined to promote knowledge in our community, because it is an inalienable wealth that guides our future. The end of the calendar year is also an opportunity for the best students to receive praise for the work and effort they put in throughout the year, that's why this year we also presented cash prizes, diplomas and certificates of appreciation to elementary and high school students who demonstrated excellence not only in municipal but also at cantonal, federal, state and international competitions - said the head of the municipality of Ilidža, Nermin Muzur, who presented 112 diplomas to 70 students for the results of the municipal competitions, of which 49 were awarded cash prizes.


Diplomas were awarded to eight primary schools from the area of Ilidža Municipality, as well as to 36 teachers.


A total of 59 students from Ilidža primary and secondary schools were awarded for winning one of the first three places at the cantonal, federal, state or international level.


Even the best students from Ilidža were not deprived of their prizes.


- Just like last year, we decided to reward the excellence of students who have achieved exceptional success, which was recognized by the University of Sarajevo - said Mayor Muzur.


Three students from the municipality of Ilidža were awarded the Golden Badge, while five of them received the Silver Badge of the University of Sarajevo.


The winner of the Golden Badge honor and the student with the highest average grade (10) is Mubina Suljić Solo, who completed the first cycle of studies at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, and Admir Papić (Faculty of Science and Mathematics) had the same average, while Abela Rastoder graduated from Law Faculty with an average grade of 9.98.


The Silver Badge was awarded to Iris Granulo (Music Academy, with an average grade of 9.49), Nihad Šurković (Faculty of Economics, with an average grade of 9.30), Sara Lendo (Faculty of Law, with an average grade of 9.09), Vahidin Hasić ( Faculty of Electrical Engineering, with an average grade of 9.26) and Amar Omerbegović (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, with an average grade of 9.11).


The head emphasized that these young successful people are the true pride of our local community. The Municipality of Ilidža awarded 1,500 KM for gold badges, and 1,100 KM for silver badges.


The athletes and clubs from Ilidža, who achieved remarkable results this year, and who thus properly presented Ilidža, as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, were not forgotten.


Općina Ilidža nagradila najbolje učenike, studente, sportiste i sportske kolektive
Općina Ilidža nagradila najbolje učenike, studente, sportiste i sportske kolektive