Annual exhibition of the best ALU student works 2023 - 51st UNSA Anniversary of the Academy of Fine Arts

The UNSA Academy of Fine Arts is celebrating its 51st anniversary by organizing the Annual Exhibition of the Best ALU Student Works. Students of all study years of the undergraduate cycle of studies from six departments - Teaching, Painting, Graphics, Sculpture, Graphic Design and Product Design, as well as the Department of Photography and Multimedia, exhibited in the premises of the ALU Gallery, the works created in the past academic year 2022/23. year.
As part of the exhibition, the traditional awarding of the “Alija Kučukalić” Award for the best student work was organized, founded in the year, and named in memory of the prominent Bosnian artist, cultural worker and professor at the Sculpture Department of ALU, Alija Kučukalić -1992).
The committee for awarding the “Alija Kučukalić” award, consisting of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ema Mazrak (President of the Commission), Prof. Dr. Fehim Hadžimuhamedović, Prof. Dr. Dubravka Pozderac Lejlić, assistant professor M.Sci. Anja Bogojević and assistant professor M.Sc. Amila Handžić Ferović, as the winner of the award, considered the students and their works proposed by the home departments.
This year's nominees for the award:
- Teaching department: Ilda Halilčević;
- Department of graphics: Zorana Jakovljević;
- Department of sculpture: Dalila Ćehajić;
- Department of painting: Harun Behmen;
- Department of product design: Rijad Dacić;
- Department of graphic design: Adisa Bajić;
Department of photography and multimedia: Ajla Balijagić
The Commission states that the Annual Exhibition of the Best Student Works of ALU offered a cross-section of different artistic and research forms, methods and ways of acting that students were engaged in during the past academic year. At the same time, the commission notes that, compared to previous years, there have been no more significant advances in the performance and interpretation of the given art and design solutions.
The committee awards the “Alija Kučukalić” award for the best student work in the 2022/2023 academic year to Adisa Bajić, a student of the Department of Graphic Design. It is about the visual identity of the student PopUp festival defined by the theme "Typography". The students also use the postmodernist procedure through multidisciplinary research, interweaving and putting elements of graphic design, more precisely typography, art history and visual communication into a new meaning relationship. The work is characterized by the possibility of multi-layered semantic, symbolic and visual reading depending on the experience and knowledge of the observer. The fragmentation of the posters provides the possibility of clearly conveying the message and information about the Festival, which is also achieved when four posters are placed together. The value of the work of student Adisa Bajić is also reflected in the visual interpretation of the thematic content/theme of this year's PopUp Festival. Work in different forms of visual communication design, meaningfully, skillfully and consistently conveys the visual identity and message of the Festival.
With the exception of nominated students, the Commission awards special commendations for work, effort and innovation to students: Amila Tihić from the Department of Product Design, Petra Strban from the Department of Graphics and Aiša Kečo from the Department of Sculpture.