Info meeting for Erasmus+ mobility scholarships winners

Informativni sastanak dobitnika Erasmus+ stipendija programa mobilnosti

Based on the announced vacancies in the ay 2018/2019 summer semester, University of Sarajevo students, teachers and associates, or Erasmus+ program scholars, could be selected to spend a part of their academic education, i.e. administrative work and improvement at partner universities throughout Europe. In ay 2019/2020’s winter semester, University of Sarajevo dispatches 82 students and 18 academic and administrative staff, but this number is not final because some of the winter semester competitions are still current.

On this occasion, the UNSA International Cooperation Office on 18/06/2019 organized an informative meeting with scholars, where they presented to them all the necessary academic and administrative information, from their rights, obligations and responsibilities, which they expect before, during and after mobility.

Informativni sastanak dobitnika Erasmus+ stipendija programa mobilnosti
Informativni sastanak dobitnika Erasmus+ stipendija programa mobilnosti
Informativni sastanak dobitnika Erasmus+ stipendija programa mobilnosti
Informativni sastanak dobitnika Erasmus+ stipendija programa mobilnosti
Informativni sastanak dobitnika Erasmus+ stipendija programa mobilnosti
Informativni sastanak dobitnika Erasmus+ stipendija programa mobilnosti