The University of Sarajevo is implementing the European Commission project “Strengthening digital and industrial capacities for a sustainable circular economy of female entrepreneurs in the Danube region”

The University of Sarajevo is implementing the European Commission project “Strengthening digital and industrial capacities for a sustainable circular economy of female entrepreneurs in the Danube region”

Through its Center for Research and Development, the University of Sarajevo is implementing a project of the European Commission worth 2.3 million euros entitled “Strengthening of digital and industrial capacities for a sustainable circular economy of female entrepreneurs in the Danube region” (WE.Circular). This project is implemented within a consortium consisting of 15 partners from 12 countries, with the support of associated strategic partners, whose specific thematic expertise ensures the knowledge and necessary skills to propose appropriate innovative solutions in these areas.

The main goal of the WE.Circular project is to solve an important challenge – increasing the digital and business skills of female entrepreneurs for the industrial transition and equipping key actors with the skills needed to develop and implement smart specialization strategies. The project will prepare female entrepreneurs from the Danube region for the transition to Industry 4.0, while fulfilling aspects of the circular economy. The specific goals of the project include overcoming challenges in the transition to the circular economy through innovative training programs for female entrepreneurs, accelerating the transition of female entrepreneurs to the circular economy through the introduction of good business models, and increasing the capacity of policy makers for the transition of female entrepreneurs to the circular economy through harmonized smart specialization strategies (S3).

In May, the National Interest Group was established, consisting of representatives from various sectors. Among the policymakers are the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Economy of the RS, the Federal Ministry of Spatial Planning and the Banking Agency of FBiH. Higher education and research institutions are represented by the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Economics, while the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises includes the companies Empress, Ceteor, Nlogic and Enova.

The University of Sarajevo is proud to be part of this significant international project that will enable female entrepreneurs from the Danube region to develop the necessary skills and capacities for a successful transition to a sustainable circular economy and Industry 4.0. This project will not only empower women entrepreneurs, but also contribute to sustainable economic development and innovation throughout the region.

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The University of Sarajevo is implementing the European Commission project “Strengthening digital and industrial capacities for a sustainable circular economy of female entrepreneurs in the Danube region”
The University of Sarajevo is implementing the European Commission project “Strengthening digital and industrial capacities for a sustainable circular economy of female entrepreneurs in the Danube region”
The University of Sarajevo is implementing the European Commission project “Strengthening digital and industrial capacities for a sustainable circular economy of female entrepreneurs in the Danube region”