UNSA Faculty of Islamic Sciences First Year Students Visited Srebrenica and Potočari

On Friday, 11 October 2024, first-year students of the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Islamic Sciences visited the Srebrenica-Potočari Memorial Center. After the history class held by Azir Osmanović, History M.Sc. and the Memorial Center curator, students visited the exhibition “Steps of those who didn’t make it“ and had Juma salat at the musala. This was followed by a visit to the non-governmental humanitarian organization MFS EMMAUS, and a short visit to the mothers of Srebrenica in their Home as part of this organization. Almedina Sokolić Begović introduced the students to the organization's work, projects and ways in which their work can be supported. In the Čaršija Mosque, students had the opportunity to talk with Ahmed ef. Hrustanović, to learn about life in Srebrenica and the challenges faced by imams in their work. The visit was attended by 79 students accompanied by assistants Azra Kulenović, Mirzeta Brkić and hfz. Davud Efendić.