The second day of the 9th international staff training week at the University of Sarajevo

To promote the Erasmus program and to network the University of Sarajevo with higher education institutions throughout Europe, the International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo organized the Ninth International Training Week for foreign teaching and non-teaching staff in the period from July 3 to 7, 2023. On this occasion, the University of Sarajevo hosts 70 participants, representatives of 39 higher education institutions from 13 countries (Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey).
The second day of the 9th international staff week was dedicated to the presentation of our guests - international partners through innovative presentations on best practices, experiences and projects related to the internationalization of their institution. The second day of the staff week was hosted by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Sarajevo. The dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UNSA, prof Ph.D. Amina Valjevac opened the meeting. The coordinator for international cooperation, mag. Edina Kovačević presented the history and work of the Faculty. After the presentation, a visit to the laboratories of the UNSA Faculty of Medicine was organized, and our international guests were most interested in the anatomy museum and the opportunity to learn about different parts of the body and possible patients, as well as genetic research and achievements of colleagues from the Faculty of Medicine. After visiting the laboratories and museums, representatives of all 39 higher education institutions used the opportunity to present their institution, the city and country they come from, the educational offer, Erasmus statistical data and unique information that may be of interest to students and staff through three-minute interactive presentations and/or videos. Also, this was an opportunity for the teaching/scientific, artistic and non-teaching staff of the University of Sarajevo to connect with colleagues from international institutions and to agree on potential cooperation through projects and international mobility.