Visit of the Director of the Office for International Programs of the College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois, to the UNSA Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Posjeta direktorice Ureda za međunarodne programe Koledža za poljoprivredne, prehrambene i ekološke nauke Univerziteta Illinois Veterinarskom fakultetu UNSA

Recognizing the recent international, interdisciplinary and scientific research advances of the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Sarajevo, a meeting and visit to the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Sarajevo was initiated by Mrs. Suzana Palaska, Director of the International Programs Office of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois ( The meeting on 2 July 2021 was organized by Dean, Prof. Dr. Muhamed Smajlović accompanied by the Vice Dean for International Relations and other key staff of the Faculty. Mrs. Palaska with great readiness presented the programs and opportunities for establishing bilateral cooperation between the two institutions, through the funds available to her College, but also with the support of other sources represented by US government institutions with which they have very positive experiences. and educational visits by faculty staff in Sarajevo to various higher education and other relevant institutions in the United States. The first steps of cooperation would relate to the networking of teachers and researchers with the correspondent field of work, including return working visits and mobility with the aim of joint research and teaching activities. Through the meeting and the tour of the Faculty, Mrs. Palaska was acquainted with the specific possibilities and plans for the improvement of the Faculty, as well as the challenges towards their realization. The meeting concluded with the concretization of steps for the next period towards the implementation of opportunities and ideas in specific projects.