Publication: Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Sarajevo 2015 - 2020

Publikacija „Fakultet islamskih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu 2015–2020.“

Continuing the centuries-old tradition of higher Islamic education in the Balkans, the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Sarajevo, as the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s oldest scientific and educational institution and a full the University of Sarajevo member, seeks to fulfill its mission of educating a good man to be religious teachers, muderises, theologians to further educate young people of strong moral integrity, broad perspectives, who will be faithful to tradition and aware of the time and space in which they live and the need to be maximally intellectually and work engaged in the path of good are found to change for the better.
To this end, taking into account the needs and requirements of Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the wider community, as well as the European context and the need for Muslims to integrate better into European societies, the Faculty has developed new and revised existing study programs, organized scientific gatherings, local and international, launched scientific research programs while developing infrastructure projects that enable our smooth academic development and progress and increasing recognition in a single European academic space.
This publication seeks to present the most important activities that Faculty employees, especially teachers and associates, students and all those who work closely with the Faculty in the last five years, from January 2015 to the end of August 2020 and present it to the public on the occasion of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences’ 43rd Anniversary, 29 September 1977 – 29 September 2020.

Publication: Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Sarajevo 2015 - 2020

Source: Faculty of Islamic Sciences