Academy of Fine Arts Students organized a Student Visual Communication Festival
This year, students of the Graphic Design Department, UNSA Academy of Fine Arts of, with the support of the EU Info Center and the Academy of Fine Arts, organized the fourth Pop-Up Sarajevo Student Visual Communication Festival.
The Pop-UP Sarajevo is divided into the following separate activities: lectures, workshops, Pecha Kucha presentations and exhibitions.
The festival includes a special event called Pecha Kucha, to which are invited local artists and designers to present themselves and their work. The presentation consists of 20 slides with a time of 20 seconds per slide (standard Pecha Kucha format 20x20).
All events within the festival are open to the public, except for workshops that can be attended by previously registered participants.
POP UP 2018 Guests:
Slavimir Stojanović (Futro) SRB
Damir Antolović (Rimac Automobili) HR
Ian Anderson (TDR) UK
Lana Cavar (Clanada) HR
Žare Kerin SLO
Filip Andronik BIH
Venue: KRITERION Sarajevo
Workshops Location: Academy of Fine Arts, University of Sarajevo
You can find a detailed program schedule on our Web or FB site: Pop-Up Sarajevo,
This year's POP-UP! was supported by the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Partner of the EU Info Center project
Topic: Cultural Heritage