Award for Outstanding Achievements of Women in Science Presented to Professor Dr. Amra Čaušević

Nagrada za izuzetna postignuća žena u nauci dodijeljena prof. dr. Amri Čaušević

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Professor Dr. Amra Čaušević was today awarded the Prize for Outstanding Achievements of Women in Science at the University of Sarajevo for 2023, in accordance with the University’s Regulations on Rewarding Academic and Research Staff based on the results of scientific/artistic work.

The Prize for Outstanding Achievements of Women in Science is conferred on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated on February 11, and, according to the Regulations, is awarded to the highest-ranked woman on the list of prize winners for scientific/artistic contributions that the University grants each year.

The award was presented to Professor Dr. Amra Čaušević by Professor Dr. Tarik Zaimović, the Rector of the University of Sarajevo, alongside the vice-rectors, Professor Dr. Naris Pojskić and Professor Dr. Benina Veledar.

“Investing in scientific and artistic research represents a long-term investment in the development of our country. It is crucial that we direct available resources toward strengthening and advancing science and the arts, enabling us to adequately respond to the challenges of global development. The University of Sarajevo is the leading institution for scientific, research, and artistic activities in Sarajevo Canton, and our goal is to empower the academic community and encourage researchers to operate on the international scientific stage by publishing in recognized scientific journals, thereby promoting not only the University of Sarajevo but also Bosnia and Herzegovina,” emphasized Rector Professor Dr. Tarik Zaimović.

Professor Dr. Amra Čaušević, an associate professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Sarajevo, achieved a score of 22.33 points for scientific papers published in journals indexed in the Web of Science database during the 2023 evaluation cycle, thereby securing her position as the second among 132 awarded researchers receiving prizes for scientific and artistic contributions in accordance with the Regulations.

“It is an immense honor and privilege to receive the award for outstanding achievements of women in science, especially on this significant day—the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This award not only represents recognition for my work and effort but also serves as a symbol of support for all women who strive for their place in the scientific community.

I sincerely thank the University of Sarajevo for this recognition, as well as my family, friends, and colleagues, whose support and encouragement have been pivotal in my professional journey. This recognition serves as additional motivation to continue working, researching, and contributing to the development of science with dedication,” stated award recipient Professor Dr. Amra Čaušević.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed February 11 as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in 2015 to promote full and equal access to science and participation in scientific processes while contributing to gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. In line with European strategic documents that also promote the vital importance of women’s participation in research, the University of Sarajevo, through the initiative of the Council for Science and Art, began the practice of awarding the Prize for Outstanding Achievements of Women in Science in accordance with its Regulations.

Nagrada za izuzetna postignuća žena u nauci dodijeljena prof. dr. Amri Čaušević
Nagrada za izuzetna postignuća žena u nauci dodijeljena prof. dr. Amri Čaušević