IMPULS and BESTSDI projects joint workshop

Zajednička radionica projekata IMPULS i BESTSDI

At the Faculty of Architecture and Construction and Geodesy in Banja Luka, from 23 to 25 April 2018, a joint workshop for two projects IMPULS and BESTSDI was held. Both projects aim to raise awareness of the need for education in the Spatial Data Infrastructure (IPP) area.
The IMPULS project aims at transferring knowledge to professional staff working in geodetic administrations and other agencies responsible for the establishment and implementation of IPP in the Western Balkans countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia). The project started in 2014 and lasts until the end of 2019, financed by SIDA, led by the Swedish Geodetic Authority - Lantmatariet and the junior partner in the implementation of the project Croatian Geodetic Administration - the State Geodetic Administration.
BESTSDI is a project of the Erasmus + Program (2016-2019) to improve higher education study programs (Geosciences, IPP and Geodesy, and other spatial data sciences) through curriculum change and/or the creation of new IPP master programs. This project includes the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs of the Federation of BiH, which participates in the work of the Supervisory Board of the BESTSDI project.
Among others, Slobodanka Ključanin (BESTSDI project leader from the University of Sarajevo Faculty of Civil Engineering and coordinator of the IMPULS project for the Federation of BiH on behalf of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs of FBiH), Suada Džebo (member of the BESTSDI project team from the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Sarajevo) and Jasmin Taletović (member of the BESTSDI project team from the Faculty of Agriculture and Food in the University of Sarajevo) participated.