The 3rd International Personnel Training Week (3ISTW) at the University of Sarajevo

The Third International Personnel Training Week (3ISTW) is taking place at the University of Sarajevo from 14 to 18 October 2019. It is a five-day event including seminars, presentations, international partners’ active participation also, followed by socio-cultural activities and tasting of our local products.
The 3ISTW is focused on the internationalization processes of the university and is an opportunity to represent and network partners, academics, students and officials of the International Cooperation Office.
On the 3ISTW first day after the introductory address by Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Nikolić, UNSA International Cooperation Vice-Rector, followed the University of Sarajevo presentation, organizational units presentations, programs and projects in which the University of Sarajevo participates, and UNSA’s study programs offer to its students.
On Tuesday, 3ISTW participants visited Mostar and Džemal Bijedić University in Mostar. A program on the topic “Internationalization of the University of Sarajevo” was organized at the University of Sarajevo for international cooperation Vice-Deans and coordinators from UNSA Faculties and Academies. On this occasion, Mr. Sc. Adnan Rahimić, Expert Associate for International Cooperation, presented a semi-annual report on work in the field of international cooperation at the University of Sarajevo. Also, the International Cooperation Service documents, EURAXESS initiative were presented, and a session held on ways to improve the offer for international students and staff.
On 16 October, the topic “Internationalization-at-home” was discussed. Mr. Sc. Adnan Rahimić, UNSA Expert Associate for International Cooperation, presented the Service activities on the International Credit Mobility for UNSA students and staff. Mr. Geert De Lepeleer, Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), STINT project coordinator presented this successful Capacity Building project, and Prof. Dr. Branko Vučijak, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, REBUS project coordinator spoke about how to prepare, apply, implement and finalize the project for capacity building. The Western Balkan Alumni Association was presented by Mr. Sabahudin Mujkić.
The program ends on Wednesday with the exhibition “Exhibition + - Erasmus + story through photography, which will be held at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Sarajevo, at 19:00. As the title implies, this is an exhibition of photographs of students and staff from BiH participating in the Erasmus+ exchange. Visitors will be able to gain insight into their experience and experience of mobility through photography and a brief explanation, and may also be motivated to sign up for future Erasmus + exchange calls.
The 10th International Scholarship Fair will be held on Thursday, 17 October from 10:00 to 16:00 during the Third International Personnel Training Week.